Title | Days | Price in € | Date |  |
Agile and Scrum |
Agile Development |
Agile Development of Embedded Systems | 2 | | Onsite Training | |
Agile Development of Embedded Systems - Live Online Training | 2 | | Onsite Training | |
Scrum in the Agile Development of Embedded Systems | 3 | 2.100 | 13.10.- 15.10.2025 | |
Scrum in the Agile Development of Embedded Systems - Live Online Training | 3 | 2.100 | 05.05.- 07.05.2025 09.02.- 11.02.2026 | |
Agile Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) of Embedded Systems | 2 | 1.500 | 16.10.- 17.10.2025 | |
Agile Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) of Embedded Systems - Live Online Training | 2 | 1.500 | 08.05.- 09.05.2025 12.02.- 13.02.2026 | |
Coaching: Agile and Scrum | | | On request | |
Agile Test - Test-Driven Development (TDD) |
Agile Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) of Embedded Systems | 2 | 1.500 | 16.10.- 17.10.2025 | |
Agile Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) of Embedded Systems - Live Online Training | 2 | 1.500 | 08.05.- 09.05.2025 12.02.- 13.02.2026 | |
Embedded Software Test: Best Practices for Unit/ Module /Component Testing | 4 | 2.800 | On request | |
Embedded Software Test: Best Practices for Unit/ Module /Component Testing - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.800 | On request | |
Python for Test Automation | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
Scrum |
Scrum in the Agile Development of Embedded Systems | 3 | 2.100 | 13.10.- 15.10.2025 | |
Scrum in the Agile Development of Embedded Systems - Live Online Training | 3 | 2.100 | 05.05.- 07.05.2025 09.02.- 11.02.2026 | |
Agile Development of Embedded Systems | 2 | | Onsite Training | |
Agile Development of Embedded Systems - Live Online Training | 2 | | Onsite Training | |
Coaching: Agile and Scrum | | | On request | |
Quality and Safety/Security |
High-Quality Program Code |
Embedded Software Design and Patterns with C | 4 | 2.600 | 23.06.- 26.06.2025 24.11.- 27.11.2025 | |
Embedded Software Design and Patterns with C - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | 31.03.- 03.04.2025 01.09.- 04.09.2025 09.02.- 12.02.2026 | |
Design Patterns (not only) for Embedded Systems | 5 | 3.000 | On request | |
Design Patterns (not only) for Embedded Systems - Live Online Training | 5 | 3.000 | On request | |
Software Architectures for Embedded and Real-Time Systems | 4 | 2.600 | 12.05.- 15.05.2025 15.09.- 18.09.2025 26.01.- 29.01.2026 | |
Software Architectures for Embedded and Real-Time Systems - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | 17.03.- 20.03.2025 30.06.- 03.07.2025 10.11.- 13.11.2025 | |
Coaching: High-Quality Program Code | | | On request | |
Safety/Security |
Functional Safety (FuSa) of Electronics and Software According to IEC 61508 and ISO 26262 | 3 | 2.100 | 21.05.- 23.05.2025 10.09.- 12.09.2025 11.02.- 13.02.2026 | |
Security Fundamentals for Embedded Systems | 2 | 1.500 | 05.05.- 06.05.2025 | |
ISO SAE 21434 Road Vehicles - Cybersecurity Engineering Training | 1 | 750 | 06.05.- 06.05.2025 | |
ISO SAE 21434 Road Vehicles - Cybersecurity Engineering - Live Online Training | 1 | 750 | 13.01.- 13.01.2026 | |
Software Test |
Embedded Software Test: Best Practices for Unit/ Module /Component Testing | 4 | 2.800 | On request | |
Embedded Software Test: Best Practices for Unit/ Module /Component Testing - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.800 | On request | |
Agile Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) of Embedded Systems | 2 | 1.500 | 16.10.- 17.10.2025 | |
Agile Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) of Embedded Systems - Live Online Training | 2 | 1.500 | 08.05.- 09.05.2025 12.02.- 13.02.2026 | |
Python for Test Automation | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
Agile Test - Test-Driven Development (TDD) |
Agile Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) of Embedded Systems | 2 | 1.500 | 16.10.- 17.10.2025 | |
Agile Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) of Embedded Systems - Live Online Training | 2 | 1.500 | 08.05.- 09.05.2025 12.02.- 13.02.2026 | |
Embedded Software Test: Best Practices for Unit/ Module /Component Testing | 4 | 2.800 | On request | |
Embedded Software Test: Best Practices for Unit/ Module /Component Testing - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.800 | On request | |
Python for Test Automation | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
Test Automation |
Python for Test Automation | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
Systems and Hardware Engineering |
Analysis, Design and Architecture |
SysML: Model-Based System Analysis and Design with the Systems Modeling Language | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
SysML: Model-Based System Analysis and Design with the Systems Modeling Language - Live Online Training | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
Coaching: System and Hardware Analysis, Design and Architecture | | | On request | |
Safety/Security |
Functional Safety (FuSa) of Electronics and Software According to IEC 61508 and ISO 26262 | 3 | 2.100 | 21.05.- 23.05.2025 10.09.- 12.09.2025 11.02.- 13.02.2026 | |
Security Fundamentals for Embedded Systems | 2 | 1.500 | 05.05.- 06.05.2025 | |
ISO SAE 21434 Road Vehicles - Cybersecurity Engineering Training | 1 | 750 | 06.05.- 06.05.2025 | |
ISO SAE 21434 Road Vehicles - Cybersecurity Engineering - Live Online Training | 1 | 750 | 13.01.- 13.01.2026 | |
Software Engineering |
Analysis, Design and Architecture |
UML Basics and Introduction to Model-Based Software Development | 3 | 1.950 | On request | |
Design Patterns (not only) for Embedded Systems | 5 | 3.000 | On request | |
Design Patterns (not only) for Embedded Systems - Live Online Training | 5 | 3.000 | On request | |
Embedded Software Design and Patterns with C | 4 | 2.600 | 23.06.- 26.06.2025 24.11.- 27.11.2025 | |
Embedded Software Design and Patterns with C - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | 31.03.- 03.04.2025 01.09.- 04.09.2025 09.02.- 12.02.2026 | |
Coaching: Software Analysis, Design and Architecture | | | On request | |
Programming Languages |
C++ for Beginners: Basic Programming Techniques for C++ Developers | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
C++ Advanced: Extended Programming Techniques for C++ Developers | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
C# Programming with .NET | 4 | | Onsite Training | |
C# Programming with .NET - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
C# Advanced Training | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
C# Advanced Training - Live Online Training | 3 | 2.100 | On request | |
Python: Object-Oriented Script Language | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
Python for Test Automation | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
Coaching: Programming Languages | | | On request | |
Linux Programming |
Embedded Real-Time Linux from Bootloader to Real-Time System (Linux RTOS) | 5 | 3.300 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Architecture: Kernel Driver Development | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Architecture: Kernel Driver Development - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Software Development | 4 | 2.925 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Software Development - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.925 | On request | |
Embedded Linux for Test and Support | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux for Test and Support - Live Online Training | 4 | | Onsite Training | |
Coaching: (Embedded) Linux Programming | | | On request | |
Safety/Security |
Security Fundamentals for Embedded Systems | 2 | 1.500 | 05.05.- 06.05.2025 | |
Functional Safety (FuSa) of Electronics and Software According to IEC 61508 and ISO 26262 | 3 | 2.100 | 21.05.- 23.05.2025 10.09.- 12.09.2025 11.02.- 13.02.2026 | |
ISO SAE 21434 Road Vehicles - Cybersecurity Engineering Training | 1 | 750 | 06.05.- 06.05.2025 | |
ISO SAE 21434 Road Vehicles - Cybersecurity Engineering - Live Online Training | 1 | 750 | 13.01.- 13.01.2026 | |
Embedded and Real-Time Software Engineering |
Analysis, Design and Architecture |
Software Architectures for Embedded and Real-Time Systems | 4 | 2.600 | 12.05.- 15.05.2025 15.09.- 18.09.2025 26.01.- 29.01.2026 | |
Software Architectures for Embedded and Real-Time Systems - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | 17.03.- 20.03.2025 30.06.- 03.07.2025 10.11.- 13.11.2025 | |
Embedded Software Design and Patterns with C | 4 | 2.600 | 23.06.- 26.06.2025 24.11.- 27.11.2025 | |
Embedded Software Design and Patterns with C - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | 31.03.- 03.04.2025 01.09.- 04.09.2025 09.02.- 12.02.2026 | |
Design Patterns (not only) for Embedded Systems | 5 | 3.000 | On request | |
Design Patterns (not only) for Embedded Systems - Live Online Training | 5 | 3.000 | On request | |
UML Basics and Introduction to Model-Based Software Development | 3 | 1.950 | On request | |
Coaching: Software Analysis, Design and Architecture | | | On request | |
Embedded and Real-Time Programming |
Embedded C: Programming Methods and Tools for Embedded Applications | 4 | 2.400 | 31.03.- 03.04.2025 15.09.- 18.09.2025 19.01.- 22.01.2026 | |
Embedded C: Programming Methods and Tools for Embedded Applications - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.400 | 23.06.- 26.06.2025 10.11.- 13.11.2025 16.03.- 19.03.2026 | |
Embedded C++: Object-Oriented Programming for Microcontrollers with C++/EC++ and UML | 4 | 2.600 | 19.05.- 22.05.2025 08.09.- 11.09.2025 02.02.- 05.02.2026 | |
Embedded C++: Object-Oriented Programming for Microcontrollers with C++/EC++ and UML - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | 24.03.- 27.03.2025 30.06.- 03.07.2025 24.11.- 27.11.2025 | |
Embedded C++ Advanced: Object-Oriented Programming for Microcontrollers with C++/EC++ | 4 | 2.600 | 21.07.- 24.07.2025 12.01.- 15.01.2026 | |
Embedded C++ Advanced: Object-Oriented Programming for Microcontrollers with C++/EC++ - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | 02.06.- 05.06.2025 27.10.- 30.10.2025 23.03.- 26.03.2026 | |
Embedded Software Design and Patterns with C | 4 | 2.600 | 23.06.- 26.06.2025 24.11.- 27.11.2025 | |
Embedded Software Design and Patterns with C - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | 31.03.- 03.04.2025 01.09.- 04.09.2025 09.02.- 12.02.2026 | |
Renesas Synergy™: Application Programming | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
Functional Safety (FuSa) of Electronics and Software According to IEC 61508 and ISO 26262 | 3 | 2.100 | 21.05.- 23.05.2025 10.09.- 12.09.2025 11.02.- 13.02.2026 | |
Security Fundamentals for Embedded Systems | 2 | 1.500 | 05.05.- 06.05.2025 | |
ISO SAE 21434 Road Vehicles - Cybersecurity Engineering Training | 1 | 750 | 06.05.- 06.05.2025 | |
ISO SAE 21434 Road Vehicles - Cybersecurity Engineering - Live Online Training | 1 | 750 | 13.01.- 13.01.2026 | |
Coaching: Embedded and Real-Time Programming | | | On request | |
Multicore Programming |
Embedded Multicore Microcontrollers: Practical Application | 3 | 2.100 | 08.10.- 10.10.2025 | |
Embedded Multicore Microcontrollers: Practical Application - Live Online Training | 3 | 2.100 | 04.06.- 06.06.2025 21.01.- 23.01.2026 | |
Tracing and Analysis Features for TriCore/ MCDS/ AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 | 1 | 700 | 06.03.- 06.03.2026 | |
Tracing and Analysis Features for TriCore/ MCDS/ AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 - Live Online Training | 1 | 700 | 18.07.- 18.07.2025 14.11.- 14.11.2025 | |
Tracing and Multicore Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ (MCDS) with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE | 1 | 700 | 15.07.- 15.07.2025 03.03.- 03.03.2026 | |
Tracing and Multicore Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ (MCDS) with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE - Live Online Training | 1 | 700 | 11.11.- 11.11.2025 | |
Coaching: Multicore Microcontroller Selection | | | On request | |
Embedded and Real-time Operating Systems, RTOS |
RTOS Basics and Application: RTOS Mechanisms and their Application in Runtime Architectures for Embedded and Real-Time Systems | 4 | 2.600 | 14.07.- 17.07.2025 15.12.- 18.12.2025 | |
RTOS Basics and Application: RTOS Mechanisms and their Application in Runtime Architectures for Embedded and Real-Time Systems - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | 25.02.- 28.02.2025 06.10.- 09.10.2025 02.03.- 05.03.2026 | |
RTOS Application: Development of Runtime Architectures for Embedded and Real-Time Systems | 1 | 650 | 17.07.- 17.07.2025 18.12.- 18.12.2025 | |
RTOS Application: Development of Runtime Architectures for Embedded and Real-Time Systems - Live Online Training | 1 | 650 | 28.02.- 28.02.2025 09.10.- 09.10.2025 05.03.- 05.03.2026 | |
PXROS-HR Certified RTOS | 2 | 1.400 | On request | |
Renesas Synergy™: Application Programming | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
Embedded Real-Time Linux from Bootloader to Real-Time System (Linux RTOS) | 5 | 3.300 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Architecture: Kernel Driver Development | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Architecture: Kernel Driver Development - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Software Development | 4 | 2.925 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Software Development - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.925 | On request | |
Embedded Linux for Test and Support | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux for Test and Support - Live Online Training | 4 | | Onsite Training | |
Coaching: Embedded and Real-Time Operating Systems, RTOS | | | On request | |
Embedded Linux |
Embedded Real-Time Linux from Bootloader to Real-Time System (Linux RTOS) | 5 | 3.300 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Architecture: Kernel Driver Development | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Architecture: Kernel Driver Development - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Software Development | 4 | 2.925 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Software Development - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.925 | On request | |
Embedded Linux for Test and Support | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux for Test and Support - Live Online Training | 4 | | Onsite Training | |
Coaching: (Embedded) Linux Programming | | | On request | |
Microcontrollers |
Arm®/CORTEX® |
Cortex®-M7, M4, M3, M0+, M0: Arm® Cortex-M Architecture | 4 | 2.800 | 08.09.- 11.09.2025 | |
Cortex®-M7, M4, M3, M0+, M0: Arm® Cortex-M Architecture - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.800 | 02.06.- 05.06.2025 08.12.- 11.12.2025 | |
Cortex®-M23, M33: Armv8-M Architecture with Security Extension | 4 | 2.800 | 10.03.- 13.03.2025 17.11.- 20.11.2025 | |
Cortex®-M23, M33: Armv8-M Architecture with Security Extension - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.800 | 07.07.- 10.07.2025 | |
Cortex®-M23, M33: Armv8-M Architecture for Trainees with Knowledge of the Previous Version | 2 | | Onsite Training | |
Cortex®-M23, M33: Armv8-M Architecture for Trainees with Knowledge of the Previous Version - Live Online Training | 2 | | Onsite Training | |
Cortex®-R4, R5, R7, R8: Arm® Cortex-R Architecture | 4 | | Onsite Training | |
Armv8-R Workshop: 32-Bit Cortex® Microcontroller Core for Real-Time Applications in Automobiles, the Industry and Embedded Systems | 4 | 3.000 | 28.10.- 31.10.2025 | |
Armv8-R Workshop: 32-Bit Cortex® Microcontroller Core for Real-Time Applications in Automobiles, the Industry and Embedded Systems - Live Online Training | 4 | 3.000 | 17.03.- 20.03.2026 | |
Cortex®-A5, A7, A8, A9, A15, A17: Arm® Cortex-A Architecture | 4 | | Onsite Training | |
Arm7/ 9/ 10/ 11™: Architecture and Embedded Programming | 4 | 2.800 | On request | |
TRAVEO™ T2G: Microcontroller Architecture for Automotive Applications | 5 | | On request | |
XMC7000: Microcontroller Architecture for Industrial Applications | 5 | | On request | |
XMC4000/1000: 32-Bit Industrial Microcontroller Arm® Cortex®-M4/-M0 | 5 | | Onsite Training | |
STM32: Technical Training | 3 | 2.100 | On request | |
Stellar Microcontroller | 5 | | Onsite Training | |
Renesas Synergy™: Application Programming | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
Coaching: Arm®/CORTEX® | | | On request | |
TriCore™/AURIX™ |
AURIX™ TC2xx: 32-Bit Multicore Microcontroller Family | 5 | | Onsite Training | |
AURIX™ TC2xx: 32-Bit Multicore Microcontroller Family - Live Online Training | 5 | | Onsite Training | |
AURIX™ TC3xx: 32-Bit Multicore Microcontroller Family (Aurix-2G Second Generation) | 5 | 3.500 | 24.03.- 28.03.2025 01.09.- 05.09.2025 26.01.- 30.01.2026 | |
AURIX™ TC3xx: 32-Bit Multicore Microcontroller Family (Aurix-2G Second Generation) - Live Online Training | 5 | 3.500 | 23.06.- 27.06.2025 17.11.- 21.11.2025 | |
AURIX™ TC4xx: 32-Bit Multicore Microcontroller Family (Aurix-3G Third Generation) | 5 | 3.500 | 19.05.- 23.05.2025 15.12.- 19.12.2025 | |
AURIX™ TC4xx: 32-Bit Multicore Microcontroller Family (Aurix-3G Third Generation) - Live Online Training | 5 | 3.500 | 28.07.- 01.08.2025 13.10.- 17.10.2025 23.02.- 27.02.2026 | |
AURIX™ TC4xx Crash Course: 32-Bit Multicore Microcontroller Family (Aurix-3G Third Generation) | 2.5 | 1.875 | On request | |
AURIX™ TC4xx Crash Course: 32-Bit Multicore Microcontroller Family (Aurix-3G Third Generation) - Live Online Training | 2.5 | 1.875 | 07.04.- 09.04.2025 | |
Hardware Security Module (HSM) of the AURIX™ Platform | 2 | 1.500 | 08.05.- 09.05.2025 | |
Hardware Security Module (HSM) of the AURIX™ Platform - Live Online Training | 2 | 1.500 | 15.01.- 16.01.2026 | |
Generic Timer Module v1 and v3 (Bosch-GTM): Architecture and Programming | 2 | | Onsite Training | |
Generic Timer Module v1 and v3 (Bosch-GTM): Architecture and Programming - Live Online Training | 2 | | Onsite Training | |
TriCore™ AUDO MAX Family: Architecture and Peripherals | 5 | | Onsite Training | |
TriCore™ AUDO FUTURE Family: Architecture and Peripherals | 5 | | Onsite Training | |
Multicore-Debug for TriCore/AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 | 1 | 700 | 05.03.- 05.03.2026 | |
Multicore-Debug for TriCore/AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 - Live Online Training | 1 | 700 | 17.07.- 17.07.2025 13.11.- 13.11.2025 | |
Tracing and Analysis Features for TriCore/ MCDS/ AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 | 1 | 700 | 06.03.- 06.03.2026 | |
Tracing and Analysis Features for TriCore/ MCDS/ AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 - Live Online Training | 1 | 700 | 18.07.- 18.07.2025 14.11.- 14.11.2025 | |
Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE | 1 | | Onsite Training | |
Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE - Live Online Training | 1 | | Onsite Training | |
Tracing and Multicore Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ (MCDS) with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE | 1 | 700 | 15.07.- 15.07.2025 03.03.- 03.03.2026 | |
Tracing and Multicore Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ (MCDS) with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE - Live Online Training | 1 | 700 | 11.11.- 11.11.2025 | |
Coaching: TriCore™/AURIX™ | | | On request | |
Microcontroller Architectures and Peripherals |
Microcontroller/ Microprocessor Basics | 4 | | Onsite Training | |
XC2000/XE16x/XC16x/ST10: Architecture, Peripherals and Embedded Programming | 5 | | Onsite Training | |
Embedded Multicore Microcontrollers: Practical Application | 3 | 2.100 | 08.10.- 10.10.2025 | |
Embedded Multicore Microcontrollers: Practical Application - Live Online Training | 3 | 2.100 | 04.06.- 06.06.2025 21.01.- 23.01.2026 | |
Coaching: Microcontroller Architectures and Peripherals | | | On request | |
Embedded and Real-Time Programming |
Embedded C: Programming Methods and Tools for Embedded Applications | 4 | 2.400 | 31.03.- 03.04.2025 15.09.- 18.09.2025 19.01.- 22.01.2026 | |
Embedded C: Programming Methods and Tools for Embedded Applications - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.400 | 23.06.- 26.06.2025 10.11.- 13.11.2025 16.03.- 19.03.2026 | |
Embedded C++: Object-Oriented Programming for Microcontrollers with C++/EC++ and UML | 4 | 2.600 | 19.05.- 22.05.2025 08.09.- 11.09.2025 02.02.- 05.02.2026 | |
Embedded C++: Object-Oriented Programming for Microcontrollers with C++/EC++ and UML - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | 24.03.- 27.03.2025 30.06.- 03.07.2025 24.11.- 27.11.2025 | |
Embedded C++ Advanced: Object-Oriented Programming for Microcontrollers with C++/EC++ | 4 | 2.600 | 21.07.- 24.07.2025 12.01.- 15.01.2026 | |
Embedded C++ Advanced: Object-Oriented Programming for Microcontrollers with C++/EC++ - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | 02.06.- 05.06.2025 27.10.- 30.10.2025 23.03.- 26.03.2026 | |
Embedded Software Design and Patterns with C | 4 | 2.600 | 23.06.- 26.06.2025 24.11.- 27.11.2025 | |
Embedded Software Design and Patterns with C - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | 31.03.- 03.04.2025 01.09.- 04.09.2025 09.02.- 12.02.2026 | |
Renesas Synergy™: Application Programming | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
Coaching: Embedded and Real-Time Programming | | | On request | |
Multicore Programming |
Embedded Multicore Microcontrollers: Practical Application | 3 | 2.100 | 08.10.- 10.10.2025 | |
Embedded Multicore Microcontrollers: Practical Application - Live Online Training | 3 | 2.100 | 04.06.- 06.06.2025 21.01.- 23.01.2026 | |
Tracing and Analysis Features for TriCore/ MCDS/ AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 | 1 | 700 | 06.03.- 06.03.2026 | |
Tracing and Analysis Features for TriCore/ MCDS/ AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 - Live Online Training | 1 | 700 | 18.07.- 18.07.2025 14.11.- 14.11.2025 | |
Tracing and Multicore Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ (MCDS) with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE | 1 | 700 | 15.07.- 15.07.2025 03.03.- 03.03.2026 | |
Tracing and Multicore Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ (MCDS) with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE - Live Online Training | 1 | 700 | 11.11.- 11.11.2025 | |
Coaching: Multicore Microcontroller Selection | | | On request | |
Embedded and Real-Time Operating Systems, RTOS |
RTOS Basics and Application: RTOS Mechanisms and their Application in Runtime Architectures for Embedded and Real-Time Systems | 4 | 2.600 | 14.07.- 17.07.2025 15.12.- 18.12.2025 | |
RTOS Basics and Application: RTOS Mechanisms and their Application in Runtime Architectures for Embedded and Real-Time Systems - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | 25.02.- 28.02.2025 06.10.- 09.10.2025 02.03.- 05.03.2026 | |
RTOS Application: Development of Runtime Architectures for Embedded and Real-Time Systems | 1 | 650 | 17.07.- 17.07.2025 18.12.- 18.12.2025 | |
RTOS Application: Development of Runtime Architectures for Embedded and Real-Time Systems - Live Online Training | 1 | 650 | 28.02.- 28.02.2025 09.10.- 09.10.2025 05.03.- 05.03.2026 | |
PXROS-HR Certified RTOS | 2 | 1.400 | On request | |
Renesas Synergy™: Application Programming | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
Embedded Real-Time Linux from Bootloader to Real-Time System (Linux RTOS) | 5 | 3.300 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Architecture: Kernel Driver Development | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Architecture: Kernel Driver Development - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Software Development | 4 | 2.925 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Software Development - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.925 | On request | |
Embedded Linux for Test and Support | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux for Test and Support - Live Online Training | 4 | | Onsite Training | |
Coaching: Embedded and Real-Time Operating Systems, RTOS | | | On request | |
Embedded Linux |
Embedded Real-Time Linux from Bootloader to Real-Time System (Linux RTOS) | 5 | 3.300 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Architecture: Kernel Driver Development | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Architecture: Kernel Driver Development - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Software Development | 4 | 2.925 | On request | |
Embedded Linux Software Development - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.925 | On request | |
Embedded Linux for Test and Support | 4 | 2.600 | On request | |
Embedded Linux for Test and Support - Live Online Training | 4 | | Onsite Training | |
Coaching: (Embedded) Linux Programming | | | On request | |
Tools and Debug |
Multicore-Debug for TriCore/AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 | 1 | 700 | 05.03.- 05.03.2026 | |
Multicore-Debug for TriCore/AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 - Live Online Training | 1 | 700 | 17.07.- 17.07.2025 13.11.- 13.11.2025 | |
Tracing and Analysis Features for TriCore/ MCDS/ AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 | 1 | 700 | 06.03.- 06.03.2026 | |
Tracing and Analysis Features for TriCore/ MCDS/ AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 - Live Online Training | 1 | 700 | 18.07.- 18.07.2025 14.11.- 14.11.2025 | |
Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE | 1 | | Onsite Training | |
Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE - Live Online Training | 1 | | Onsite Training | |
Tracing and Multicore Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ (MCDS) with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE | 1 | 700 | 15.07.- 15.07.2025 03.03.- 03.03.2026 | |
Tracing and Multicore Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ (MCDS) with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE - Live Online Training | 1 | 700 | 11.11.- 11.11.2025 | |
Coaching: Tools and Debug | | | On request | |
Test and Debug |
Test with C, C++, Object-Oriented |
Embedded Software Test: Best Practices for Unit/ Module /Component Testing | 4 | 2.800 | On request | |
Embedded Software Test: Best Practices for Unit/ Module /Component Testing - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.800 | On request | |
Agile Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) of Embedded Systems | 2 | 1.500 | 16.10.- 17.10.2025 | |
Agile Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) of Embedded Systems - Live Online Training | 2 | 1.500 | 08.05.- 09.05.2025 12.02.- 13.02.2026 | |
Python for Test Automation | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
Agile Test - Test-Driven Development (TDD) |
Agile Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) of Embedded Systems | 2 | 1.500 | 16.10.- 17.10.2025 | |
Agile Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) of Embedded Systems - Live Online Training | 2 | 1.500 | 08.05.- 09.05.2025 12.02.- 13.02.2026 | |
Embedded Software Test: Best Practices for Unit/ Module /Component Testing | 4 | 2.800 | On request | |
Embedded Software Test: Best Practices for Unit/ Module /Component Testing - Live Online Training | 4 | 2.800 | On request | |
Test Automation |
Python for Test Automation | 3 | | Onsite Training | |
Debug |
Multicore-Debug for TriCore/AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 | 1 | 700 | 05.03.- 05.03.2026 | |
Multicore-Debug for TriCore/AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 - Live Online Training | 1 | 700 | 17.07.- 17.07.2025 13.11.- 13.11.2025 | |
Tracing and Analysis Features for TriCore/ MCDS/ AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 | 1 | 700 | 06.03.- 06.03.2026 | |
Tracing and Analysis Features for TriCore/ MCDS/ AURIX™ with Lauterbach TRACE32 - Live Online Training | 1 | 700 | 18.07.- 18.07.2025 14.11.- 14.11.2025 | |
Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE | 1 | | Onsite Training | |
Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE - Live Online Training | 1 | | Onsite Training | |
Tracing and Multicore Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ (MCDS) with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE | 1 | 700 | 15.07.- 15.07.2025 03.03.- 03.03.2026 | |
Tracing and Multicore Debugging for TriCore/AURIX™ (MCDS) with the PLS Universal Debug Engine UDE - Live Online Training | 1 | 700 | 11.11.- 11.11.2025 | |
Coaching: Debug | | | On request | |