As of 01 September 2024, the business operations of MicroConsult Microelectronics Consulting & Training GmbH are transferred to NP Academy GmbH. The latter will continue business to the full extent, with the proven staff and the usual high quality. Please feel free to contact us in case of questions:

Experience Embedded

Professional Training, Consulting and Project Support

Embedded Trainings from Experts for Experts

Profound, up-to-date and efficient

The MicroConsult team has over 40 years of experience with knowledge transfer and keeps a consistent focus on the practical demands of the industry. Thus, we impart knowledge on significant and current hardware and software development topics - optimized to meet your requirements in practical application.

Open Embedded Training - change of scenery and inspiration

Our Munich-based training center is the ideal environment for you to benefit from efficient and professional training. Our specialists have profound methodical and didactic expertise in imparting trendsetting and future-proof knowledge - in seminar rooms with modern equipment and a pleasant and personal atmosphere. Get to know colleagues from the industry and look forward to an inspiring exchange of experience.

Open trainings - the perfect combination of different scenery, uninterrupted training and inspiration.

Check the MicroConsult embedded training schedule - both for live online and face-to-face trainings!


We cover all topics also in exclusive onsite trainings >> read more


Live Online Trainings

As an alternative to face-to-face trainings, we also offer our seminar portfolio as Live Online Trainings. Click here for more information.