Armv8-A Architektur: AARCH64 Cortex®-A32, -A35, -A53, -A55, -A57, -A72, -A73, -A75 - Live-Online-Training
Sie kennen die Architektur, Besonderheiten und Vorteile der Armv8-A (Application) Kernarchitektur.
Sie verstehen es, Mikrocontroller mit entsprechenden Kernen für Ihre Zwecke auszuwählen und effizient einzusetzen.
Sie können C/C++ und Assembler-Programme erstellen, nutzen Safety- und Security-Mechanismen und haben den perfekten Einstieg in die Entwicklung Cortex™ Armv8-A-basierter Systeme.
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Praktische Tipps zu Multicore und Security
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Software- und Hardware-Entwickler, System-Architekten
Grundkenntnisse Mikrocontroller-Architekturen
Armv8-A Architecture Overview
Cortex AArch64 Processor Family Overview
- Cortex-A32, -A35, -A53, -A55, -A57, -A72, -A73, -A75
Cortex AArch64 Processor Core
- AArch64 Register Organization
- General Pupose, Special Purpose, System Control Registers
- Execution States
- Execution Levels
- Cortex-A 32 Bit Compatibility
Cortex AArch64 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Overview
- Loads and Stores
- Data Processing
- Flow Control
- Bit Manipulation
- Conditional Execution
- Scalar Floating-Point and SIMD
Barriers and Synchronization
- Data Barriers, Instruction Barriers
- Synchronization, Mutex, Semaphore
- Local and Global Exclusive Monitors
- OS Support
Cortex AArch64 Exception Model
- Interrupts
- Synchronous Exceptions
- Asynchronous Exceptions
- System Errors
- Exception Handling in EL1
- Exceptions in EL2 and EL3
- GIC, Global Interrupt Controller
Cortex AArch64 Memory Model
- Memory Types and Access Permissions
- Shareability, Cacheability
- Alignment and Endianess
- Tagged Pointers
Cortex AArch64 Memory Management
- Armv8-A Memory Management Unit, MMU
- Translation Look-aside Buffer, TLB
- TLB Maintenance Operations
- Translation Table Tree Organization
- Translation Levels
- Translation Table Entries, Attributes
- Translation at EL0/EL1
- Translation at EL2/EL3
- Stage 1 and Stage 2 Translation
- System MMU
Cortex AArch64 Caches
- L1 and L2 Cache Operations and Organization
- Cache Maintenance Operations
- Cache Coherency in Singlecore and Multicore Systems
- Cache Coherent Interconnect Devices
Cortex AArch64 Power Management
- ARM Core Power Modes
- Power Control
- ARM Multicore Processor Power Modes
- Power State Coordination
Cortex AArch64 Debug
- Debug Facilities
- Debug Features
- Trace
- Performance Monitor Unit
- Activity Monitor Unit
Cortex AArch64 Booting Singlecore/Multicore Systems
- Booting an AArch64 Core
- Booting a Multicore/Multiprocessor System
- Real-world Booting
- ARM Trusted Firmware
- Start-up, from Reset to main()
Cortex AArch64 Virtualization
- ARM Virtualization Support for a Hypervisor
- Memory Management
- Virtual Exceptions
- Generic Timer – Virtual Timer
Cortex AArch64 Security
- Security Basics
- Trusted Base System Architecture (TBSA)
- Trusted Boot
- Trust Zone Controller
- Sie erhalten von uns Ihre Übungsverzeichnisse und Lösungsbeispiele für alle Übungsaufgaben.
Dauer | |
4 Tage |
Anmeldecode: L-AARCH64 * Preis je Teilnehmer, in Euro zzgl. USt. |
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