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Professional Training, Consulting and Project Support

Cortex®-M23, M33: Armv8-M Architecture Training for Trainees with Knowledge of the Previous Version - Live Online Training

Get familiar with the new Armv8-M architecture (Cortex®-M23 and -M33) and learn how to write software in C and Assembler. This workshop focuses on software and covers a variety of topics, such as the TrustZone, processor architecture, extended instruction set, exception behavior, and many more. After the training, you can locate programs in memory in secure and non-secure configuration and test them - the perfect start for designing Cortex®-M23/M33 based systems.

  • Content
  • Objectives
  • Participants
  • Requirements

Get familiar with the new Armv8-M architecture (Cortex®-M23 and -M33) and learn how to write software in C and Assembler.

This workshop focuses on software and covers a variety of topics, such as the TrustZone, processor architecture, extended instruction set, exception behavior, and many more.

After the training, you can locate programs in memory in secure and non-secure configuration and test them - the perfect start for designing Cortex®-M23/M33 based systems.

The training addresses software and hardware developers with a basic knowledge of the previous architecture (Armv6-M/ Armv7-M architecture of the Cortex®-M0/M0+/M3/M4 or -M7).

Basic knowledge of the Armv6-M/ Armv7-M architecture of the Cortex®-M0/M0+/M3/M4 or -M7 as well as basic knowledge of ANSI-C and microcontrollers is required. The training focuses on the new features offered by the Cortex®-M23, M33 and the Armv8-M architecture.

TrustZone for Armv8-M

  • Secure state transitions
  • Function calls from secure state to non-secure state
  • Function returns from non-secure state
  • Practical exercises: Developing and setting up mixed secure/non-secure projects for Cortex™-M33

Cortex®-M (Armv8-M) Processor Architecture

  • Stack limit register
  • Secure state, security transitions
  • Banked registers
  • Cortex®-M memory map, system control block
  • Practical exercises: New stack limit registers

Differences to the Armv6-M and Armv7-M Processor Architecture

Cortex®-M33, M23 Extended Instruction Set

  • Branch and control flow instructions with security transitions
  • Security instructions
  • Assembler directives
  • Pracitcal exercises: Generating Assembler routines, Assembler debugging, code optimization

Exception and Interrupt Handling

  • Security targeting
  • Banked exceptions
  • Banked vector tables
  • Tail chaining with security transitions
  • Interrupt configuration and status
  • Secure exception priority boosting
  • Secure faults
  • Pracitcal exercises: System tick, supervisor call and PendSV in the context of RTOS applications
  • Practical exercises: Fault handlers and status information output

Memory Protection Unit MPU for Embedded Systems

  • Armv8-M MPU
  • Comparison to previous Armv7-M MPU
  • Practical exercises: Programming the MPU
  • Practical exercises: Dynamic reprogramming in the scheduler

Security Attribution Unit (SAU, IDAU)

  • Overview on the security and implementation defined attribution unit
  • Attribution attributes secure, non-secure, non-secure callable
  • Practical exercises: Programming the security attribution unit

Hardware-near C Programming based on CMSIS

  • CMSIS extensions for Armv8-M

Exercises with Keil µVision in Assembler and C

  • Exercises for Armv8-M are performed with the Arm Simulator

The training price includes:
Training documentation, your training certificate and target HW etc. where required.


Related trainings

Embedded C Training: Programming Methods and Tools for Embedded Applications - Live Online Training
Training code: LE-EMB-C

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Training code: LE-EC++

Coaching: Arm®/CORTEX®
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2 days
Training code: LE-ARMV8MU
* Price per attendee, in Euro plus VAT

> Registration form download (PDF)
> Training details as PDF

Face-To-Face - English

2 days  

Live Online - German

2 days  

Face-To-Face - German

2 days  

Cortex®-M23, M33: Armv8-M Architecture Training for Trainees with Knowledge of the Previous Version - Live Online Training


TrustZone for Armv8-M

  • Secure state transitions
  • Function calls from secure state to non-secure state
  • Function returns from non-secure state
  • Practical exercises: Developing and setting up mixed secure/non-secure projects for Cortex™-M33

Cortex®-M (Armv8-M) Processor Architecture

  • Stack limit register
  • Secure state, security transitions
  • Banked registers
  • Cortex®-M memory map, system control block
  • Practical exercises: New stack limit registers

Differences to the Armv6-M and Armv7-M Processor Architecture

Cortex®-M33, M23 Extended Instruction Set

  • Branch and control flow instructions with security transitions
  • Security instructions
  • Assembler directives
  • Pracitcal exercises: Generating Assembler routines, Assembler debugging, code optimization

Exception and Interrupt Handling

  • Security targeting
  • Banked exceptions
  • Banked vector tables
  • Tail chaining with security transitions
  • Interrupt configuration and status
  • Secure exception priority boosting
  • Secure faults
  • Pracitcal exercises: System tick, supervisor call and PendSV in the context of RTOS applications
  • Practical exercises: Fault handlers and status information output

Memory Protection Unit MPU for Embedded Systems

  • Armv8-M MPU
  • Comparison to previous Armv7-M MPU
  • Practical exercises: Programming the MPU
  • Practical exercises: Dynamic reprogramming in the scheduler

Security Attribution Unit (SAU, IDAU)

  • Overview on the security and implementation defined attribution unit
  • Attribution attributes secure, non-secure, non-secure callable
  • Practical exercises: Programming the security attribution unit

Hardware-near C Programming based on CMSIS

  • CMSIS extensions for Armv8-M

Exercises with Keil µVision in Assembler and C

  • Exercises for Armv8-M are performed with the Arm Simulator