As of 01 September 2024, the business operations of MicroConsult Microelectronics Consulting & Training GmbH are transferred to MicroConsult Academy GmbH. The latter will continue business to the full extent, with the proven staff and the usual high quality. Please feel free to contact us in case of questions:

Experience Embedded

Professional Training, Consulting and Project Support

Renesas Synergy™ Training: Application Programming - Face-to-Face Training

Today, companies large and small race to capitalize on the rapidly growing IoT and embedded system markets. Design engineers face many challenges-acquiring and mastering new technologies, developing code for low-level system infrastructure, performing integration and test, meeting aggressive schedules - all while facing intense cost and resource pressures. A solid embedded software platform is the answer to these challenges by freeing resources to develop differentiated products instead of creating and maintaining the fundamental, yet essential system structure underneath. Renesas Synergy™ is a platform that is truly complete, fully tested and qualified, and systematically maintained and supported so you can start your application software development immediately at the API level without worry.

  • Content
  • Objectives
  • Participants
  • Requirements

You have an overview of the Renesas Synergy™ platform and the main application programming interfaces of the Renesas Synergy™ Software Package. You get the perfect entry into practical application and can implement your own applications based on the Renesas Synergy™ platform.

Embedded software developers, software architects, technical support and application engineers

Experience with programming in ANSI-C/ embedded C; basic knowledge of microcontroller architectures and their peripherals, basic knowledge of the Arm Cortex®-Mx architecture and preferably also of real-time operating systems.

Introduction to Renesas Synergy™, e2Studio development environment and Synergy™ Software Package (SSP)

Working with the framework layer and its application programming interface (API)

Introduction to Thread-X, the high-performance real-time operating system embedded in the SSP, and its components USBX, NETX and FILEX

The hardware abstraction layer of the SSP and its application

Board support package (BSP) and its role in the migration to proprietary designs

Tools GUIX, TraceX

BONUS: Participants get a free Renesas Synergy™ SK-S7G2 Starter Kit with color QVGA touchscreen, Ethernet, USB, CAN, RS485 and a high-performance S7G2 240MHz Cortex-M4 processor. Numerous hands-on examples will be handed out on a memory stick for later review, repetition or extension.



  • If you have a discount voucher, please make sure you indicate the individual discount code when submitting your binding booking (on the online booking form in section "Invoice address", line "Your order number"; or include it in your official PO document). Discount codes submitted after booking cannot be accepted.

The training price includes:
Lunch, drinks, training documentation and your training certificate.


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Related trainings


Price *Duration
-3 days
Training code: E-SYNERGY
* Price per attendee, in Euro plus VAT
> Registration form download (PDF)> Training details as PDF

Onsite Training

Our customized workshops integrate your specific project tasks in our training content and accommodate your requirements on content, time, location, duration, technical environment and knowledge transfer methodology.

Please contact us for further information or an individual quotation.

> Training details as PDF

Face-To-Face - German

3 days  


Our coaching services offer a major advantage: our specialists introduce their expertise and experience directly in your solution process, thus contributing to the success of your projects.

We will be happy to provide you with further information or submit a quotation tailored to your requirements.

Renesas Synergy™ Training: Application Programming - Face-to-Face Training


Introduction to Renesas Synergy™, e2Studio development environment and Synergy™ Software Package (SSP)

Working with the framework layer and its application programming interface (API)

Introduction to Thread-X, the high-performance real-time operating system embedded in the SSP, and its components USBX, NETX and FILEX

The hardware abstraction layer of the SSP and its application

Board support package (BSP) and its role in the migration to proprietary designs

Tools GUIX, TraceX

BONUS: Participants get a free Renesas Synergy™ SK-S7G2 Starter Kit with color QVGA touchscreen, Ethernet, USB, CAN, RS485 and a high-performance S7G2 240MHz Cortex-M4 processor. Numerous hands-on examples will be handed out on a memory stick for later review, repetition or extension.



  • If you have a discount voucher, please make sure you indicate the individual discount code when submitting your binding booking (on the online booking form in section "Invoice address", line "Your order number"; or include it in your official PO document). Discount codes submitted after booking cannot be accepted.