As of 01 September 2024, the business operations of MicroConsult Microelectronics Consulting & Training GmbH are transferred to MicroConsult Academy GmbH. The latter will continue business to the full extent, with the proven staff and the usual high quality. Please feel free to contact us in case of questions:

Experience Embedded

Professional Training, Consulting and Project Support

Coaching: System and Hardware Analysis, Design and Architecture

The coaching services by MicroConsult offer a major advantage: our specialists introduce their expertise and experience directly in your solution process, thus contributing to the success of your projects. For example, we will work with you to analyze possible applications and the use of new software engineering or management techniques, develop concrete measures for introducing those techniques and then implement them. Doing so, we cover the following areas: system, software and hardware development, (agile) development processes, self-development, soft skills and software law.

Related training

SysML: Model-Based System Analysis and Design with the Systems Modeling Language - Face-to-Face Training
Training code: E-SYSML

Related training


We will be happy to provide you with further information or submit a quotation tailored to your requirements.

> Coaching details as PDF

Coaching: System and Hardware Analysis, Design and Architecture

Coaching Topics – Examples

Consulting regarding the design of your system and hardware architecture Review of your system and hardware architecture Bewertung von system and hardware architectures Consulting regarding the development of your system architecture guidelines

Establishing the process of modeling of your systems with SysML (Systems Modeling Language)

Consulting regarding the modeling of your system architecture with SysML (Systems Modeling Language)

Consulting regarding the development of your individual SysML style guide and the related template model for your SysML tool

Supporting the selection of a SysML tool that meets your requirements best

Consulting regarding the creation of the system and hardware specification/documentation

Retrospective of how your system and hardware architecture was developed

Consulting regarding the development of your circuit documentation

Review of your circuit documentation

Consulting regarding the generation of circuit development guidelines

Consulting regarding the structure and setup of your component libraries

Consulting regarding the generation of the hardware specification/documentation